GEOE - 410  Engineering  Field Geology

Six semester credits


May 19 - June 20, 2025

Register Online 

Registration Deadline: March 31, 2025

Cost: $5,295.00 for consortium members and $5,695 no-consortium. Includes tuition, all fees (including $100 field fee), transportation from Rapid City, lodging and food.  Deposit of $300 is due at registration. No Camping

GeoE 410 is a six credit engineering geology field course that provides students with an intense 5 week field and laboratory experience.  The course has been designed to enhance education and training for geological engineering students while still providing a strong foundation in field geology.

The complex geology of the Black Hills provides an excellent opportunity to observe and study a wide range of engineering challenges resulting from both geologic and anthropogenic sources.  Individual and group projects focus on topics such as slope stability, geomechanics, geotechnical engineering, surface and ground water hydrology,  contaminant transport, geophysics, and other pertinent engineering topics, all the while focusing on the importance that a thorough understanding of local geology has on these types of projects.

When applicable, state of the art equipment such as drone applications, streamflow gages, and industry standard software packages are utilized.  This helps the projects to be realistic and meaningful leading to a better understanding of the material covered.


  • Prerequisites include: completion of junior year of study in Geological Engineering, Physical Geology, Mineralogy, Petrology, Stratigraphy/Sedimentation, and Structural Geology, or consent of the Director. CEE 346  Geotechnical Engineering is also required for SDSM&T students.
  • Lodging for the duration of the course will be SDSM&T dormitory in Rapid City, SD. Bring bedding sheets for single bed, pillowcase, towels, blanket etc.
  • There is a course limit of 30 persons.
  • In addition to standard Brunton compasses, students will utilize GPS and laser scanners for detailed mapping.
  • Eight-hour days are expected in the field with reports and maps completed during evening hours, Fridays and Saturdays.
  • Each week comprises six days of work with Sundays free for individual activities. Some optional Sunday field trips are planned for students unfamiliar with the Black Hills.
  • Memorial Day is considered a work day.


    Geology and Geological Engineering professors and staff from: South Dakota School of Mines & Technology.










Please contact BHNSFS at (605) 394-2494 for more information.

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