Black  Hills Natural Sciences Field Station

 Field Camp Faculty

Arden D. Davis,  Professor, Department of Geology and Geological Engineering; geological engineer specializing in ground-water modeling and contaminant migration; Ph.D., P.E., South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. Email: Arden D. Davis

Alvis L. Lisenbee, Professor Emeritus, Department of Geology and Geological Engineering; structural geologist specializing in tectonics of the northern Rocky Mountains and Basin and Range; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University.
Email: Alvis L. Lisenbee

Foster Sawyer,

Associate Professor, Department of Geology and Geological Engineering. Specializing in sedimentology, petroleum geology and groundwater.  Ph.D., SDSM&T.



Kurt Katzenstein,  Assistant Professor, Department of Geology and Geological Engineering; specializing in remote sensing, engineering field applications, rock mechanics.Ph.D., UN-Reno

Larry D. Stetler, Professor, Department of Geology and Geological Engineering; geological engineer specializing in earth surface processes, eolian dynamics, and environmental and ground-water applications; Ph.D., Washington State University.Email: Larry D. Stetler


Nuri Uzunlar, Professor, Department of Geology and Geological Engineering. Director, Black Hills Natural Sciences Field Station; Field geologist specializing in mineral deposits, hydrothermal /geothermal systems and active tectonics in Anatolia; Ph.D., SDSM&T.

Email:  Nuri Uzunlar

Jaakko Putkonnen, Assistant Professor, Harold Hamm School of Geology and Geological Engineering, Univeristy of North Dakota; Geomorphologist, specializing in landscape evolution, cold region processes, and Quaternary climate change. Ph.D. University of Washington, Seattle

Brennan Jordan, Associate Professor, University of South Dakota; igneous petrologist specializing in petrology and tectonic origin of volcanic rocks, with research in Iceland, Mongolia, the Black Hills, and Pacific Northwest U.S.; Ph.D., Oregon State University.


Chris Pellowski, Instructor/Coordinator,Department of Geology and Geological Engineering; Ph.D., SDSM&T.


Aaron Johnson


Jeremy Shannon Harry Filkorn, Assistant Professor of Geology, Pierce College, California.
Greg Baker, Perry Rahn, Professor Emeritus, Department of Geology and Geological Engineering; sEnginnering Geology, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University.

Dr. John Caskey, Death Valley Camp Coordinator

Associate ProfessorEarth & Climate Sciences

San Francisco State University


Erika Swanson
Mitchell Schramm

Dr. James Sears, Montana Camp Coordinator

Geosciences Department

University of Montana

Missoula, Montana 59812

406 243-2341

  Zeynep Baran




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